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08th August 2019

Albert Gifford (2016, Medicine) wins Vice-Chancellor Social Impact Award

Albert Gifford (2nd from right) receives his award from Professor Louise Richardson (far right). With Amos Schonfield and Sofya Sudets, who were highly commended for their voluntary work. Photo: Oxford Hub.

Exeter College student Albert Gifford (2016, Medicine) has been awarded a Social Impact Award by the University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Louise Richardson, for his commitment to voluntary work.

The Vice-Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards celebrate the efforts made by students in creating a positive impact in Oxford and beyond. Albert took first prize in the Volunteering category for his work coordinating LinkAges.

Albert explains: “LinkAges aims to tackle loneliness amongst older people. I coordinate IT classes which support people to connect with their families and society, by helping them become confident in communicating using technology. It is very easy for older people to feel isolated when everyone is using and talking about technology they don’t understand, and I believe our classes help people get a basic grasp of many aspects of modern technology and to feel less in the dark.”

Many congratulations to Albert and all of the students whose hard work and commitment has been recognised in the Vice-Chancellor’s Social Impact Awards.

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