The decision to apply to Oxford was borne out of a combination of me trying to be the best I can be, whilst trying to reach that next step. I was doing well academically and decided the next way to push myself would be an Oxford application. I applied to Cambridge initially, as I would have been happy regardless of which university I was accepted to. Oxford is challenging but it’s good to be in an environment that allows you to feel challenged, but keeps you motivated, being surrounded by other motivated people.
When deciding how to choose my course I thought about the subjects I was good at – Biology, Chemistry and Maths – and then sought to combine them. The actual course content was stuff I was interested in, especially because in our 4th year we’re able to choose a project and one of the options was nanotechnology and biotechnology and these topics were particularly tailored to my interests. I was excited about the opportunity to delve deeper into my subject.
In terms of extra-curricular activities, I’m also involved in ACS, which is the Afro Caribbean Society here at Oxford. In a way it’s nice to have people you can relate to on a further level, you can speak to about things which you can’t necessarily talk to other people about and you have a shared experience with. One of my favourite events which I’ve been to here at Oxford has been a screening of the film Moonlight as part of ACS. After the viewing they spoke about issues within the film, and on topics such as diversity within the Oscars, other racial issues and how we need to take steps to improve the state of diversity within the film industry, and the significance of Moonlight in this respect. I really enjoyed both the film and the opportunity it provided for an intellectual discussion surrounding race and identity.
My best Oxford memory would be scoring in the quarter-finals in the intercollegiate football league. The football team has been a great way to de-stress, especially after an intense period of studying. I really like playing as there’s a level of appreciation within the group when you play well and I also love the idea of us being a team unit, and having a life outside of academia – it serves as something which is competitive but also separate from my degree.