Chapel service celebrates Exeter’s musical legacy
2009 marks the 150th Anniversary of Exeter’s Chapel, and the first event to mark this milestone was held on Sunday 25th January. The Reverend Graham Shaw, Chaplain from 1978 to 1985, returned to preach at Evensong. Old Members and guests were invited to join us for the 6.00pm service, and we were delighted that more than 125 attended. Read Reverend Shaw’s sermonĀ here.
The second of the special Chapel services being held to mark the anniversary took place on Sunday 15 February. The Evensong celebrated former organ scholars and choir members, and Reverend Megan Daffern (1998, Literae Humaniores) returned to preach. All Old Members, former choristers and guests were welcome to join us for the 6pm service, and it was wonderful to see so many take the up the invitation – the Chapel was filled to bursting with over 200 guests. Read Reverend Daffern’s sermon on celebrating the musical legacy of the ChapelĀ here.