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06th November 2023

Exeter College’s archives catalogue now available online

After significant work undertaken by both past and present Archivists, Librarians and Keepers, Exeter College is pleased to announce the launch of its new online archive catalogue. The catalogue can be viewed here. 

It will now be easier for academic researchers, locally, nationally, and internationally, to locate details of the archive holdings. Over 1,800 descriptions of archive items are available to learn about, and additional material will be catalogued over time, on a variety of themes and subjects, such as: 

Exeter College’s archives are at the preliminary stages of digitisation, and so only a handful of records have digital images attached to records within the catalogue. There are plans to digitise additional archive items in the future and to make images available on Digital Bodleian. 

Enquiries about the archive, or requests for access by academic researchers, can be sent to, by telephone (0)1865 610555, or by post to Victoria Northridge, Archivist and Records Manager, Cohen Quad, Walton Street, Oxford, OX1 2HE. All bookings for the reading room should be confirmed 24 hours before the intended visit, which is open Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 3.00 pm, subject to availability.  

Loggan‘s View of Exeter College, 1675 Reference EC/9/4

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