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19th February 2014

Exeter Explores Love, Loss and Literature at 700th Anniversary Humanities Symposium

Exeter’s third 700th Anniversary Symposium took place on Saturday, 8th February 2014. A host of fellows, students and alumni spoke on the subject of ‘History and Fiction’.

Philip Le Brocq (1957, English) describes the day in the following ‘Sonnet’.
“Thirteen hundred and fourteen, April Four” –

Exeter College marks its starting date,

And all the learning since it’s had in store

To-day –“Humanities” we celebrate!

With “Smith and Tallis” Evensong sang out

Last night, harmoniously, our minds prepared,

To challenge –“Facts or Fiction” – which to flout,

Or “How to cope with Traumas”, – terrors bared!

We questioned whether we can ever tell

The Whole Truth of experiences which move

Us deeply so we’re speechless; they, pell-mell

Burst out: and leave us wond’ring what they prove.

We left inspired – Stories still can breach

All country’s bound’ries, and to peoples preach!

Please click here to download a copy of the programme which includes speaker biographies.

A full list of speakers can be found below along with relevant links:

“History and Fiction: French and Francophone Perspectives”
Dr Jane Hiddleston (Fellow and Tutor in French)
Ms Ianthe Fry (Exeter Student – Modern Langauges)
Neil Malloy (2007, English & Modern Languages)
This session explored the falsification of memory linked to trauma in the 1959 film ‘Hiroshima, mon amour’ – ‘Hiroshima, mon amour’ on Amazon
“The Writers’ Salon: Writing Fiction Today”
Dr Julie Maxwell (Official Fellow in English) – Julie Maxwell’s Books on Amazon
Ms Amy Sackville (2002, English Studies) – Amy Sackville’s Books on Amazon
Mr Nicholas Shakespeare (Associate Member of the SCR) – Nicholas Shakespeare’s Books on Amazon – Slides
“Traumas of the Past”
Dr Tom Lambert (Bennett Boskey Junior Research Fellow in Medieval History) – Slides
Mr Michael Mayo (Lecturer in English)
Dr Daniela Omlor (Queen Sofía Research Fellow in Modern Peninsular Spanish Literature)
“Intercultural Exchange”
Professor Gregory Hutchinson (Fellow and Tutor in Classics)
Professor Marc Lauxtermann (Bywater and Sotheby Professor of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature)
Professor Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly (Emeritus Fellow in German) – Slides
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