Exeter to hold first ever giving day!
You can make a difference to Exeter College students this November!
19 November marks Exeter’s first ever giving day and we’d love to celebrate it with you!
The Giving Day will be an opportunity for the whole Exeter community to come together online to celebrate all the people and things that make the College unique and wonderful. You will also have the opportunity to support the things that matter most to you and current Exeter students. The priorities, highlighted by our JCR, MCR and alumni, are student support, access and outreach, and the library.
Throughout the day there will be lots of interesting, creative, fun, whimsical, and hopefully inspiring content on Exeter’s social media. Please do check out the Giving Day page and keep a lookout for the College’s Giving Day mascot on social media – the T-Rexeter – at #TRExeter!