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20th June 2024

Exeter welcomes latest Oxford University Admissions Report

The University of Oxford published its seventh Annual Admissions Statistical Report this month, sharing data about the demographics of UK undergraduate applications and admissions.

The latest report (which reflects admissions statistics for the academic years 2020-23) shows that Exeter College has made significant progress over the past seven years in broadening the diversity of its UK-domiciled undergraduate intake and improving access for historically underrepresented groups.

Comparing the University’s first Admissions Statistical Report (which covered admissions statistics for academic years 2015-17) with its latest Report, the proportion of UK-domiciled undergraduate students at Exeter College:

  • who came from POLAR quintiles 1 and 2 (areas with low rates of progression to higher education) rose from 10.4% to 18.2%
  • who came from ACORN categories 4 and 5 (areas of socio-economic disadvantage) rose from 5.9% to 13.5%
  • who were educated at a state school rose from 49% to 63.9%
  • who identify as Black or Minority Ethnic (BME) rose from 12.7% to 26.3%
  • who are female rose from 50% to 57.7%

Additionally, for the first time the University has reported the proportion of students admitted who were eligible to receive free school meals, which ranged by college from 2.2% to 12.3%. For Exeter College this figure is 6.1%, only slightly below the University average of 6.7%.

In Exeter College’s strategic plan the College recognises the value of a diverse community and the enhancements to the academic environment that different perspectives and experiences bring. It is therefore heartening to see the progress that has been made over the course of the past seven years. The College remains committed to encouraging applications from as broad a pool of talented prospective students as possible and supporting them throughout their academic journey at Exeter College.

You can read the full Admissions Report here.

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