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01st February 2010

Exonian chosen as Prospective Parliamentary Candidate

At an open primary held last month in Mildenhall, Matthew Hancock (1996, PPE) was selected as the Conservative Party’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for West Suffolk.

After leaving Exeter, he first worked for the Bank of England, but in 2005 was recruited by George Osborne to advise him on economic policy, and has since risen to become Osborne’s Chief of Staff. He manages the Party’s Treasury Team, and advises on policy. Whilst he will now focus on his constituency, he will continue to work with George Osborne to shape the Conservatives’ plans for government.

Away from the world of politics, (according to the West Suffolk Conservatives’ website) in the same year he started working with George Osborne, Mr Hancock also set out on foot to play the northernmost game of cricket on record at the North Pole – he didn’t make it to the pole, hindered by developing frostbite en route, but he did succeed in playing the most northerly recorded game of cricket!

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