Average number of places available each year at Exeter College: 1.
The Course
Although all the formal teaching in Fine Art at Oxford is organised by the University’s Ruskin School, and takes place there, Exeter has enjoyed a long and rewarding association with its Bachelor of Fine Art students over many years. The College has an opulent Victorian legacy of architecture and visual art: from its imposing Chapel (George Gilbert Scott) to its association with William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones.
The College has a small exhibition space in the elegant drawing room of the Rector’s Lodgings and Ruskin students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities to exhibit their work in other Oxford locations. The Ruskin students at Exeter take a full part in the artistic life of the College, putting on their own exhibitions, especially during the annual Turl Street Arts Festival, in which Exeter, Jesus and Lincoln pool their resources in music, drama and visual art. The College is centrally located, within easy reach of The Ruskin School. Students can apply to the College for contributions towards the cost of materials.