Guardian Editor visits Exeter
Continuing a succession of recent visits by high profile figures from the media scene, Alan Rusbridger, editor of the Guardian newspaper, talked to a large audience of Exeter students on Friday 3rd February about the ongoing challenges faced by the newspaper industry.
Citing the example of the success of the Californian-based information site ‘Craig’s List’, he underlined the extent of the competition faced by the print media, in advertising as well as sales revenue, from online sources, and went on to outline some of the methods being developed in order to bridge the gap between the expanding online industry and the decreasing market for printed newspapers. Famous for his bold move in taking the Guardian to its current continental shape, the passion for innovation displayed by Alan ‘Berliner’ Rusbridger made it clear how he has managed to buck this trend for decline.
Before enjoying a high table dinner, Mr. Rusbridger also took questions on a variety of subjects, including his recent decision not to publish the infamously inflammatory Danish cartoons, providing a thought provoking end to an insightful evening.