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05th January 2024 Abdulhakeem Ibraheem Abdulkareem (2023, MPP)

Paddy Storrie (1983, Modern History) publishes second novel

We are pleased to share the exciting news that Exeter alumnus Paddy Storrie, who matriculated in 1983, reading Modern History, has recently released his second novel, Hinterland. Following the success of his debut work, Half-Life, published in 2019, Storrie’s latest thriller delves into the world of espionage, political intrigue, and military conflict. 

Set against the backdrop of a frozen conflict between Moldova and Transnistria, Hinterland explores the clandestine operations of Karolina Kuznetsova’s Russian Military Intelligence unit. Storrie weaves a gripping narrative involving an unholy trinity of GRU agents, Transnistrian oligarchs, and local army chiefs, all conspiring to destabilise the Moldovan government and sever its growing ties to the West. 

Released on 14 October 2023, Hinterland is available in paperback and Kindle. The novel has garnered positive reviews, with readers praising its fast-paced action, realistic scenarios, and well-developed characters. One reviewer describes it as a “page-turning five-star read,” commending its modern take on conflict engineering and its engaging storytelling. 

Storrie’s background in Modern History, including more than 32 years of experience teaching history, brings depth and authenticity to the military thriller genre. 

You can purchase Hinterland here.

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