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Dr Peter Johnson, MA DPhil Oxf, MA MBA Stanford 

Peter Johnson studied Physics and Philosophy at Oxford and Philosophy of Science at Stanford before becoming a strategy consultant. He worked for Bain & Company until he took his MBA at Stanford, and then joined the founding group at LEK, where he became a partner and set up the French practice. He spent many years advising large multinational companies in Europe, the US, Australia and South Africa. In the early 1990s he changed direction, returning to Oxford to undertake a doctorate in the Philosophy of Physics while helping to set up and organise the Said Business School. As a Fellow of Balliol College, he helped design key elements of the MBA programme while teaching undergraduates Management. Transferring to Exeter in 1999 as a Tutorial Fellow and Director of Corporate Affairs at SBS, he started his research into alternative valuation measures while teaching undergraduates and MBA students. His growing involvement in entrepreneurship led him to set up Venturefest, a fair for technology startups, to assist many Internet businesses, and to become a director of a number of university spin outs at Oxford, Cambridge and other universities. Twice Peter took on the role of Finance & Estates Bursar at Exeter, transforming the College’s approach to investment and supervising the establishment of a Development Office. His knowledge of investment also allowed him to act as an advisor to a number of private offices and hedge funds. In 2007 he completed his second book, Astute Competition, and then switched his published research focus to the theoretical foundations of competitive strategy and taxonomy of business models. He became an Emeritus Fellow in 2016.
