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Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Spain, Hon MD Valladolid, Hon LLD Camb, Hon DCL Oxf

Born Princess Sophia of Greece and Denmark, Her Majesty was the Queen of Spain from 1975 to 2014.

Her Majesty was appointed an Honorary Fellow of Exeter College in 1989. In 2014, Her Majesty visited the college as part of the celebrations to mark the 700th anniversary of the college’s founding.

Exeter College is the seat of the University of Oxford’s most important chair in Hispanic Studies, the King Alfonso XIII Professorship of Spanish Literature, established in 1927, which was held by Professor Edwin Williamson until 2017. Exeter also has a junior research position named for Her Majesty, the Queen Sofía Junior Fellowship, which was created in 1988 for outstanding young Hispanists focussing on a full-time research project in Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature.
