Jane Mellor is a member of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. After a PhD working on foot and mouth disease virus at the Animal Virus Research Institute in Pirbright and a post-doc developing technologies with the first biotechnology companies in the UK, in 1986 she established her research group in Oxford to focus on gene expression, chromatin, and metabolism as a Monsanto Senior Research Fellow of Exeter College. In 1995, she became Tutor in Biochemistry at Queen’s College, Oxford. Recently, her group has pioneered our understanding of the dark genome, demonstrating roles for the non-coding transcriptome in switching chromosome conformation signatures in diseases such as cancer, and coordinating metabolism with chromatin structure around genes. Her research has contributed to two successful spin-out companies: Oxford BioDynamics plc and Sibelius Natural Products Ltd. She was elected a member of EMBO in 2010.