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13th June 2023

Professor Carol Robinson elected to American Philosophical Society

Professor Dame Carol Robinson, Professorial Fellow in Chemistry at Exeter College, has been elected a Member of the American Philosophical Society (APS) for 2023. APS is the oldest learned society in the United States, founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1743. The Members of APS come from a wide range of disciplines, with Professor Robinson being elected for her ground-breaking work in Chemistry.

Professor Robinson has received a multitude of international awards and recognitions for her work in mass spectrometry. Her research has transformed our understanding of the structures and interactions of proteins, including those involved in disease progression. Her election to the APS follows her recent receipt of a prestigious European Research Council Advanced Grant, which is hoped will help reveal new targets for cancer treatment regimes. In 2021, Professor Robinson became the first Director of the new Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery at Oxford University: an interdisciplinary science institute dedicated to the study of structures and materials on an ultra-small scale.

Professor Robinson said: ‘From Benjamin Franklin to Albert Einstein, the list of APS members is awe-inspiring. Election to this society is recognition of the talents of my research groups over the years, and I am extremely grateful to all of them. Without their dedication and commitment, we would not have been able to achieve any exciting breakthroughs.’

Exeter College congratulates Professor Robinson on this exceptional recognition.

Carol Robinson

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