Professor Dame Carol Robinson awarded honorary doctorate by the Weizmann Institute of Science
Prof Robinson receives her honorary degree. Photo by Will Thomas Freeman
Congratulations to Exeter Fellow Dame Carol Robinson, Royal Society Research Professor and Dr Lee’s Professor of Chemistry, on being awarded an honorary doctorate by the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Professor Robinson was the first female professor of chemistry at both the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. She pioneered the use of mass spectrometry for proteome analysis and her research has contributed to improving the understanding of membrane proteins, which play a part in many diseases and conditions, including cancer and schizophrenia.
Professor Robinson was presented with the doctorate in Exeter College hall by Emeritus Fellow in Biochemistry Professor Raymond Dwek.
You can discover more about Professor Robinson’s remarkable career and watch her receive her honorary degree here or by clicking on the video below.
Prof. Dame Carol Robinson – honorary PhD IB 2020 from Weizmann Institute on Vimeo.