Professor Dame Carol Robinson gives 2018 Mabel Fitzgerald Lecture
Professor Dame Carol Robinson pictured at Exeter College
The 2018 Mabel Fitzgerald Lecture was yesterday delivered by Exeter Fellow Professor Dame Carol Robinson. Professor Robinson, Royal Society Research Professor and Dr Lee’s Professor of Chemistry, gave the talk on Mass spectrometry – from folding proteins to rotating motors. She is the University of Oxford’s first female Professor of Chemistry and was previously the first female Professor of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge.
The Mabel Fitzgerald Lecture has been given annually at the University of Oxford’s Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics since 2015. The lecture series is named for the accomplished physiologist. It was instigated after the Department was awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award (which has since been promoted to a Silver Award) in recognition of the work the Department does to advance gender equality.
The other noted scientists who have spoken at the lecture series are Professor Maria Fitzgerald, Professor Christine Holt, and Professor Dame Linda Partridge.
You can read about Professor Robinson’s work here.