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26th September 2018

Dr Mariarosaria Taddeo and Professor Luciano Floridi publish ‘How AI can be a force for good’ in Science

Dr Mariarosaria Taddeo, a research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), and Exeter College Fellow by Special Election Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at OII, have published an article in the journal Science, entitled ‘How AI can be a force for good‘ (24 August 2018, Vol. 361, Issue 6404, pp. 751-752).

As artificial intelligence becomes an increasingly powerful force, reshaping daily practices, personal and professional interactions, and environments, Dr Taddeo and Professor Floridi argue the importance of an ethical framework that will help harness the potential of AI while keeping humans in control. They point to the the impact of the industrial revolution on labour forces and the environmental impact of massive industrialisation and global consumerism as examples of humanity reacting too slowly to a need for regulation to protect itself. ‘Ethical regulation of the design and use of AI’, they suggest, ‘is a complex but necessary task. The alternative may lead to devaluation of individual rights and social values, rejection of AI-based innovation, and ultimately a missed opportunity to use AI to improve individual well-being and social welfare.’

The full article is available to read online here. If you are interested in artificial intelligence and the philosophy and ethics of information you may also like to read an article about Professor Floridi’s work published in Exon magazine, pp. 20-22, or to view his website, You can read more about the research of Dr Taddeo on the OII website.



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