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11th December 2023

Supernumerary Fellow Dr Ugo Mondini launches Poetry in the Medieval World project

Exeter College Supernumerary Fellow Dr Ugo Mondini is the Principal Investigator of a new platform to discuss medieval poetry. The Poetry in the Medieval World Network will serve as an infrastructure for learning about and discussing global premodern literature through a cross-disciplinary perspective. Other network leads are Associate Professor of Japanese Jennifer Guest, Professor of Chinese Philosophy Dirk Meyer, Boden Professor of Sanskrit Jim Mallinson, and University Research Lecturer in Medieval Latin, Byzantine Greek and Byzantine Epigraphy Ida Toth.

Ugo Mondini joined Exeter College in 2023 and is currently a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow. Before coming to Oxford, he was a researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Linguistics of Ghent University. His work explores Ancient and Medieval Greek Literature, and he has a specific interest in how the Greek language has been taught and used across space and time.

The Poetry in the Medieval World Network is supported by TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities). TORCH is a hub for cross-disciplinary research projects with the aim of increasing social impact and understanding of humanities across broad audiences.

Learn more about Poetry in the Medieval World here.

Ugo Mondini

Supernumerary Fellow Dr Ugo Mondini

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