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Biomedical Sciences

In reality, a cell is a biological mini-me compared to the human body. A cell has every biological system that you have.

Bruce Lipton

Average number of places available each year: 2 (with 5 other students studying Medicine)

Course overview

BMAT overview

Why study Biomedical Sciences at Exeter?

Exeter is a college which is conveniently central, a mere 10-minute walk from the Radcliffe Science Library and within easy reach of the medical departments across the University. In addition, Exeter’s own library – which is open 24 hours a day – is fully resourced for both biomedical sciences students having been thoroughly overhauled and restocked in 2014 to provide access to all required text-books and online articles. In addition, all Freshers studying at the College are given book tokens to help towards the cost of books.

Students reading biomedical sciences at Exeter are principally taught in tutorials, classes, and lectures, some of which are taken alongside medical students, giving them a chance to mingle with students studying similar science courses. As well as this, students are invited to the annual Subject Family Dinner, which gives students, tutors and alumni from all years the chance to meet one another and hear about different areas of research and investigation within the College and University.

“I love studying Biomedical Sciences at Exeter because the tutors really go the extra mile, organising presentation opportunities, extra classes and practical support. The life sciences community at Exeter is very active, with a Medical Sciences dinner and Subject Family Dinners each year really broadening one’s horizons and allowing for cross-curricular talk with students, academics and alumni in similar fields. The strong family feel at Exeter means that students across the years get to know each other well, and alumni are very supportive in terms of helping with placements and internships.”

Eleanor Hurrell, Biomedical Sciences student

Exeter’s Fellows in Biomedical Sciences and Research Staff

Students who study Biomedical Sciences are often taught alongside medical students. At Exeter, students of biomedical sciences are taught by:

  • Dr John Parrington – Lecturer in Pharmacology
  • Professor Christoph Tang – Professorial Fellow in Cellular Pathology, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology.
  • Professor Tang organises the Microbiology course in the preclinical course and the Bacterial Pathogenesis theme in the Final Year Honours School. He provides tutorials on these topics for students at Exeter. His group work on understanding the mechanisms that enable bacteria to cause disease in humans, and how this can be exploited for vaccine design. He is also a Member of EMBO, and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • Dr Prem Jareonsettasin – Retained Lecturer in Neuroscience


Students of biomedical sciences (and the similar course prior to its creation, Physiological Sciences) are well suited to going into scientific research or else may choose to go on to study post-graduate medicine. Our students have gone on to work in various fields, including doing work for the NHS, forensic, charity of government-funded laboratories, as well as private pathology laboratories.