The Exeter College Online Tutorial Programme is open to undergraduates and graduates currently enrolled in a degree programme, who have completed at least one year of the degree, with a cumulative GPA of 3.5/4 or equivalent.
The application deadline is June 1st. However, competition for places to study on this programme will be intense and pairing you with a tutor requires time, so early application is strongly recommended.
To apply, complete the Programme application form and submit the following documents in support of your application:
(1) ECOTP Tutorial Proposal Form
(2) Academic transcript.
Transcripts must be emailed directly from your Registrar, or emailed as scanned .pdf copies certified by your Study Abroad Office and sent from an institutional email address.
(3) Academic Reference.
References must be e-mailed directly from your referee using their institutional e-mail address. Your referee should be someone who knows your work and should comment on your academic ability and readiness to participate in a tutorial.
(4) English Language Proficiency.
This is only required for non-native English speakers studying at universities whose language of instruction is not English. If relevant, you must satisfy one of the requirements listed here;
Our e-mail address is:
Please keep in mind that you may also have to apply through your home University.
By submitting your application, you are confirming that you have read, understood and will abide by Exeter’s academic Rules & Regulations and Codes of Conduct. Before applying, we recommend you’ve read these documents.
Admission and Accepting Your Place
Your application will only be assessed for admission once we have received your (1) application form (2) all supporting documents and (3) application fee. Once complete, you will receive a decision within 1 week.
If you have been successful, we will send an offer letter via e-mail. Please note that an offer letter does not guarantee your place on the Tutorial Programme. Once you have received a formal offer letter you should pay your Programme fee. Once we have received your fee, we will begin the work of finding you a dedicated tutor. The Tutorial is subject to the Academic Director’s approval and the availability of an expert in Oxford to guide your research.
If you have not paid your fee within 30 days of receiving an offer letter, Exeter reserves the right to withdraw your application.